Category: Blogger tricks
Add Sharing buttons on your Blog, Website etc
You can allow your visitors to share your Blog’s or Website’s content by adding Sharing buttons on your Blog or Website like Facebook share button, tweet button and other Social bookmarking or Social networking sites. First of all go to On the left hand size, choose the layout of the button you wish to…
Pictures Slide Show with Navigation for Blogger
If you want to give your Blogspot blog a professional look, then this featured post gadget is must for you. This gadget will show your posts with images and it also has slider with some amazing effects. you can view a demo of it here before applying it to your blog. So here goes the tutorial…
New official Follow by Email Gadget for Blogger
Have you noticed that there is a new offical gadget Follow by Email in you blogger? This new gadget makes it easier for you and for your readers to subscribe to your blogger by email. “The Follow by Email gadget provides blog authors a simple way for their readers to subscribe to the latest hot-off-the-press…
Split header into two columns – Blogger Guide
This tutorial will show you how to split your template’s header into two columns so that you can add your widgets along with your blog’s logo. By default, blogger doesn’t have any option to split header column into two parts. so here is the how-to guide. Go to your blogger Dashboard >>Design>>Edit HTML Don’t tick Expand Widget…
How to put search box, adsense or any gadget into blogger header
This post will explain you that how to put search box, adsense or any gadget into blogger header. You should first backup your template so that if anything goes wrong, you can revert it back. Go to you Blogger Dashboard>>Design>>Edit HTML Tick Expand Widget Templates Hit CTRL + F on your keyboard to find this…
How to post videos from YouTube on Blogger
You can now post your favorite videos, dramas, movies, songs etc directly from YouTube to Blogger. You need to be signed in to your Blogger account. Once you are signed in, go to Find video you want to share on your blogger Blog. Once you are on the video, Click share just beneath the video and then click…
Recent Posts with thumbnails and summary – Blogger Widget
Recent post on your blog allows your visiotrs to see your recent posting and with thumbnails, it looks more beautiful and attractive. This guide will teach your how to add Recent Posts with thumbnails along with summary of your posts on Blogger/Blogspot. Go to your blogger dashboard>Design>Page Elements Click Add a Gadget and the choose HTML/JavaScript…
How to fix Blogger/Blogspot header blurry image problem
Yesterday, I changed my header of my blog and the result was blurry and of very low quality image. I changed image several time but the problem persisted. Then I thought there might be a technical problem from Google because every picture we post on blogger gets stored in Picasa album and Picasa is owned…
Multi Level Drop Down Sub Menu for Blogger
I have designed a CSS drop down menu for blogger. I used to list my categories using labels gadget in my right side bar but I was not satisfied with that so I created a css drop down menu that you are seeing at the top of this website. Here is the tutorial for Multi…