A tablet fever could be seen from this new survey polled 3043 consumers on consumer tablet demand. Tablets are in demand in these vacations as sales in US increased an estimated 130 percent.
It seems everybody wants to have a tablet. According to the graph above, 14 % of respondents are planning to buy a tablet within next 3 months that is next 90 days. Now a day’s consumers are no longer scratching their heads in thinking either to buy an iPad or choose from so many available similar looking Android tablets because the new Amazon has hit the market being the second most popular tablet brand.
According to the graph round 65% people are planning or want to buy an apple iPad. Such a high percentage in comparison to others show that people are willing to buy iPad because may be they are satisfied with it at a greater extent. In case of Amazon, 22% plan to buy it and only 4% plan to buy Samsung Galaxy Tab. Apple seems to have the highest share in tablet market as shown below 74% hence it is being projected that Apply will tale over HP to become the king of PC maker round the globe.

None of any other tablet produces gathered more than 1% of future tablet demand. Information is coming in that branded Android makers and white box tablet are facing inventory issues as they are facing high inventory levels in upcoming season. This might lead to any price reductions in the new year but are not expected to affect either Apple’s nor Amazon’s tablet sales as reports from Asia say so. According to the Change Wave survey, round 2% shoppers have in advanced paid for the new recently launched $ 199 Kindle Fire, the Amazon tablet and it’s not just this but many of them are very or somewhat likely to buy it as well.
The launch of the Amazon tablet has brought in intense competition for Apple but in case of Android it is a more tough luck for them. According to Change Wave, the Amazon tablet is “wreaking a devastating blow to a range of second tier tablet manufacturers, including Motorola, RIM, Dell, HTC, Hewlett-Packard and Toshiba”.
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