Category: Did you know?
Astronauts grow 2 inches taller in space
Due to the lack of gravity in space, astronauts have been known to grow up to an additional two inches taller! For this reason, space suits are fitted to each astronaut with two inches of room to grow. This weightlessness can also cause astronauts to lose bone mass! The lack of gravity prevents the compression of…
World’s top 10 expensive Football player transfers
Football is a game of millionaire. It is a beautiful game that is appreciated and played all over the world. There is always the race between the clubs for buying and selling top class players into their squad. Lets take a look at the World’s top 10 expensive Football player transfers to date 1 Cristiano Ronaldo…
Info about Twitter and its stats
Twitter is an information network. Millions of people, organizations, and businesses use it to discover and share new information. OnTwitter, usually people are engaged through following one and other and by subscribing to their profile. People can share their views, reviews and expand their business by ‘Tweets’. People can showcase their business and their websites…
Writing down your worries just before taking an exam can give you better test score.
The study research in 2010 has showed that writing your worries on piece of paper before taking a test can relieve stress and help you get a better overall performance! This proved to be especially true for students who are especially anxious about taking tests.
The word “queue” is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed.
There are so many words in English Language but The word “queue” is the only word in the English language that is still pronounced the same way when the last four letters are removed.
The letter “J” is the only letter in the alphabet not on the Periodic Table of Elements.
The word ‘News’ is actually an acronym standing for the 4 cardinal compass points – North, East, West, and South.
Cockroaches can live for 30 days after their head has been cut off.
While it is more average for a cockroach to only live headless for 9 days or so, they can live for extremely long amounts of time. Cockroaches breathe through spiracles, which deliver air to each cell of the body through a set of tubes called tracheae. The brain does not control the breathing through the…
On a clear night, a human can see a candle burning as far as 30 miles away.
20 hours of video is uploaded to YouTube every minute.
YouTube has become more popular from the past few years. The uploading rate is so intense that in every minute, almost 20 hours of video is uploaded