Facebook has become very popular and facebook has made a simple Like Button available for bloggers and webmasters.The Like Button or Icon will be a great help in the effort to get readers sharing your posts on Facebook.
Here’s the method to do this
Go to your blogger dashboard, then design or layout (Whatever) and then click Edit HTML
Tick Expand Widgets Templates
Hit Ctrl + F on your keyborad and type <data:post.body/> in the appeared search bar.
Your browser will take you to that code.
Now paste the following code just before <data:post.body/>
<iframe allowTransparency=’true’ expr:src=’"http://www.facebook.com/plugins/like.php?href=" + data:post.url + "&layout=standard&show_faces=false&width=100&action=like&font=arial&colorscheme=light"’ frameborder=’0′ scrolling=’no’ style=’border:none; overflow:hidden; width:450px; height:40px;’/><a href=’http://www.spiceupyourblog.com’><img alt=’Best Blogger Tips’ src=’http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_rKG-ziTSNUQ/TQ5eV0U0EiI/AAAAAAAACik/xo2eFaDbfrE/s1600/best+blogger+tips.png’/></a>
Your’ done!
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