If you run a professional blog or a website then you should also set a forum on it so that your visitors could interact with each other and discuss what ever they want to.This tutorial will teach you How to make forum on Blogger or Convert your entire Blogger blog into Forum for free.
Then go to Free Nabble Forums and follow the instructions to create your forum. Once you are done with all the steps, grab your forum’s HTML code by clicking on Options>>Embedding Options
The code will look like this.
<a href=”http://footy-foot-foots.2288416.n4.nabble.com/” id=”nabblelink”>Footy Foot Foots</a>
<script src=”http://footy-foot-foots.2288416.n4.nabble.com/embed/f3422224″>
Copy your code. Now go to your blogger Dashboard >>Design>>Edit HTML
Remove everything between <body> and </body> tags and place your Nabble forum code there. Finally your template should look like this
Hit SAVE template. Please note that this will change your entire blog into forum. So I suggest make new blog then proceed with the above steps.
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