Earlier, users were only allowed to tag their friends in their photos. Now Facebook has recently rolled out a new feature that allow users to tag Facebook pages in their photos in the same way they tag their friends. Let’s say you have a photo in which you are holding a can of Coke in your hand, and there is a fan page of Coke on Facebook, you can tag that Coke’s page inside your photo. Or, for example, you are wearing Levis’ T-shirt in your photo, you can tag fan page of Levis inside that photo.

So what is the moral of the story? Now a brand won’t only have millions of likes but also, they will have real photos of real people engaging with their brands. It’s not clear what Facebook will permit brands to do with those photos, but given that the social network is currently enabling brands to surface users’ Likes to friends in ads, it’s possible that it will also allow brands to similarly leverage tagged photos to–as Facebook would put it–help users discover brands they might be interested in, based on their friends’ interests.
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